my approach to coaching & consulting

The stuff that puts a wildness in your eyes, a beat in your heart, and a knowing feeling in your gut— that felt sense is a voracious appetite for what you know is possible.

My approach is rooted in the belief that if we find the center of what brings us joy and apply ourselves to it, we might just be on to something.

Joy is often a forgotten birthright. When we remind ourselves we are inherently deserving of it and center in it, joy has a way of taking us to some beautiful places.

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Let’s drop old narratives that tell us it’s a wild dream to love what we do.

Our work is to explore the parts of what you’re drawn to that feel dreamy and the parts that scare the hell out of you. We’ll spend time with stuff that lights you up and the fears that keep you feeling stuck.

I work with people on business structure, what to charge, the value of their services, the "why, how, and what" of their practice/business. We name your growth edges. We explore your relationships and connectedness in community. We build websites. Infrastructure and systems. Billing and payment tools. Time management. Boundaries—heck yeah, boundaries. We delegate. We get messy, we figure out what we can tidy up, and we get clear.

We explore the role you want work to have in your life. We get real about self-care—physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental self-care. How much time do you invest in yourself? How much of a fuck are you giving about your well-being? What are ways you enjoy being in and moving your body? What constitutes a day well lived to you?

We root in community—deepening the knowledge of the place where you live and work. Who’s come before you? To whom do you want to show gratitude? How will you honor your teachers, colleagues, mentors, and community members as you do this work? Who’s in your accountability circle? Who do you want to learn from? Who are you serving? What meaningful relationships do you want to build and nurture?

I invite you to unlearn notions of unworthiness and imposter syndrome, because supremacist ideological conditioning has tried to convince us that we’re only 7 unpaid internships, 26 professional development workshops, 1 more degree, a decade of being overworked and underpaid, and $100 K in debt away from being almost good enough. We name it, and we keep naming it in moments when old conditioning creeps in.

I work with people on their relationships with money, abundance, and success. We look at how personal + familial + relational + cultural experiences with oppression, privilege, access, scarcity, sense of worthiness, financial security, and safety influence how you exist in the world. We explore what success looks like to you. We get real about your resources—where you’re at and where you’d like to be—and what you need to support you.

We’ll mutually agree upon tasks you’ll work on in-between our meetings that are interactive and will challenge you. You will have written work and experiential exercises. Sometimes we’ll do somatic practices or visualizations. I’ll invite you to lean into that which is uncomfortable so that you exist in a space that is bigger in this world.

I’ll hold space for you. I’ll plot, plan, and dream with you. I’ll ask good questions. I’ll offer things to chew on. I’ll walk you through getting clear about the details. I’ll help you to create your map. When you get stuck or uncertain, I’ll help you find your way back to your knowing.

I work with people on opening their hearts and their big beautiful voices so they can shout their truths from the rooftop. Swallowing our truth makes us small. More you is better.